Yasmine Lotz

Adrien Dubois, Espace Stratégies

Yasmine Lotz is an intern at Espace Stratégies. Yasmine holds a B.A.A., specializing in Finance, with honours (HEC Montréal). She is now a candidate for the M.Sc. in Strategy at HEC Montréal.

Throughout her academic career, she has been involved in a number of student committees and represented her university at competitions.

Yasmine discovered the world of work through several internships, first in accounting, then in strategy. 

During her internship at Espace Stratégies, Yasmine will be particularly interested in the strategic management of NPOs and Espace Stratégies’s innovative approach, which places people at the heart of its practices.

She is passionate about organizational development, the collaborative approach to strategic planning and sustainable development.


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