growth, Espace Stratégies

Growth management

Growth challenges are a reality for many companies. Growth is essential for the survival and sustainable development of businesses and organizations. Growth is rarely linear or continuous; it often occurs in stages. As a result, companies experience several cycles during their existence, each bringing its own set of unique challenges.


The Growth Plateau

Your company might be encountering a growth plateau if expansion has significantly slowed, and revenues have remained stagnant since your last fiscal year. Espace Stratégies is here to help you effectively navigate beyond this plateau and seamlessly reach the next phase of your organizational growth.

In this situation, certain questions need to be considered:

  • How can the organization be transformed to quickly move beyond this plateau?
  • What are our next growth avenues capable of accelerating the transition towards new opportunities or business models?

The Growth Crisis

Rapid and substantial growth within a short timeframe can place a company in a precarious situation or even a crisis. When growth occurs swiftly, organizations must make decisions that will impact their short, medium and long-term future, but may not always have the necessary time for thorough consideration. If your company finds itself in the midst of a whirlwind, taking a step back is essential to well-informed decision-making.

Companies face common pitfalls during such rapid growth, including poorly qualified hires, a lack of time or structure leading to client loss, escalating costs leading to cash flow exhaustion and more.

This type of growth presents challenges at the organizational level and requires precise and swift responses.



Whether your company is in a precarious situation or facing a growth crisis, Espace Stratégies can guide you through your growth strategy to intervene quickly and react in the short term to find development levers. This may involve a business model review, an analysis of growth opportunities, new corporate positioning based on market trends and a better understanding of customer needs, new innovation avenues and much more.

We can help align your organization’s development for the coming years and provide clear direction based on the best opportunities available to you. This approach can take the form of strategic discussions with the leadership team, management meetings, creating a strategic plan or support in developing and implementing your growth strategy.

Managing growth is a challenge for any company and brings its share of unique and complex challenges. A well-devised plan ensures the organization is able to quickly adjust to its strategic challenges and makes the difference between success, difficulty or even failure.


Espace Stratégies possesses expertise in both financial and strategic planning, organizational development and an understanding of entrepreneurial realities. We use this expertise to accelerate organizational growth through realistic and effective solutions while keeping human values at the core of the process.

Our experience includes various private and public investment domains and their operations. Our knowledge of project implementation has grown through business missions, support for research institutions such as Technology Transfer College Centers (CCTTs) and export services.

We use this hands-on knowledge, along with our adaptability and agility, to meet very specific needs by bridging the gap between the two worlds (public and private sectors) and sourcing the necessary and appropriate expertise for your projects.



Espace Stratégies offers a range of consulting services to address various growth themes. The services most relevant to growth management include:

For Whom?


Innovative Businesses




For many years, the leadership team at Insum has chosen Espace Stratégies to help strategically plan its growth and provide support to prepare for its annual meeting. ES has also performed various mandates for Insum, which include developing its strategic plan, business plan, marketing strategy including sales, as well as its considerations regarding the company’s transfer. In November 2021, this global leader in Oracle APEX solutions was acquired by the Talan Group. The company has since continued its expansion under this new leadership.

Ludik Designer Confiseur

Ludik Designer Confiseur is a company that produces and markets confectionery products, including the brands Kandju and Marie & Franky. In a period of significant growth, the company enlisted Espace Stratégies to develop a concrete strategic plan that could be executed swiftly. This initiative was undertaken to address the many organizational and strategic challenges while engaging all stakeholders in the anticipated changes.


Technorm is a consulting firm for the construction industry, specializing in codes and standards, building fire safety, technical-legal expertise and continuing education. Espace Stratégies has facilitated several strategic review workshops with the Technorm leadership team to provide guidance for their future growth and the integration of a new shareholder team.