Economic Development Organizations, Espace Stratégies


Espace Stratégies is a strategic advisory firm that helps economic development organizations across Canada. We are one of the few independent companies to specialize in this type of support and operate nationwide.

In recent years, the structure of economic development organizations has transformed significantly. Today, these organizations must handle the rapidly evolving economic ecosystem with which they interact, where new challenges have emerged.

The projects and daily challenges are manifold:

  • Helping businesses with their growth, digital transition and Industry 4.0 manufacturing
  • Supporting new entrepreneurs in their business plans and financial structuring
  • Helping retail businesses and commercial structures to innovate, renew and transform
  • Addressing workforce challenges for local businesses, attracting families and immigrant labour
  • Supporting the growth of new sectors and economic models such as social and collaborative economies
  • Finding new innovative ways to develop the territory
  • Developing a coordinated vision and plan for the territory



Our team can:

  • Help your organization redefine its service offerings based on the current transformation of your ecosystems.
  • Provide support for business growth, including assistance with more complex business plans and financial arrangements.
  • Support your entrepreneurs in embracing digital technologies, Industry 4.0 and artificial intelligence in their business models.
  • Assist your teams in structuring significant projects such as technopoles, innovation zones, incubators and accelerators.
  • Conduct analyses, studies and sectoral research for which you may lack internal expertise.
  • Improve your organization’s customer approach towards entrepreneurs and startups in the territory.
  • Plan the economic, industrial and commercial development of your territory
  • Support the development of your commercial structures.
  • Mobilize your community and businesses to participate in consultation activities whether traditional or focused on co-creation.
  • Provide internal support for your recruitment and human resources challenges.



Espace Stratégies has developed a distinctive and innovative approach, based on mobilizing local communities and understanding your ecosystems. We work with public and municipal organizations as well as businesses, non-profits, investors, developers and government. We use this understanding of various stakeholders and their needs to easily establish relevant connections and partnerships.

We also leverage this knowledge of ecosystems to gain direct access to a wide range of contacts and experts across all fields, nationwide. We use this knowledge combined with our adaptability and agility to address very specific needs and access the necessary and appropriate expertise for your projects.


Innovation Développement économique Trois-Rivières

In 2019, Innovation Développement économique (IDE) Trois-Rivières chose Espace Stratégies to help prepare, consult and draft the 2020–2025 economic development strategy for the city of Trois-Rivières. Numerous consultation activities were conducted early in the process with key city stakeholders as well as with citizens to ensure that this strategy would drive mobilization upon its implementation.

CLD d'Antoine-Labelle

The Centre local de développement (CLD) d’Antoine-Labelle enlisted Espace Stratégies to conduct a diagnostic assessment of the services portfolio offered to businesses in its territory as part of creating a Maison de l’entrepreneur. Our mandate was to optimize the involvement of various partners in the project and create organizational synergy that encourages active contribution to service offerings tailored to the needs of businesses served.

CLD Les Moulins

The Centre local de développement (CLD) Les Moulins invited Espace Stratégies to help it conduct a feasibility study for the establishment of a business incubator. Our team helped the CLD develop a business plan for the new organization named Innohub La Centrale, including financial structuring for its development, implementation and deployment. Following this exercise, the incubator secured nearly one million dollars in funding.