Non-profit organizations, Espace Stratégies

Non-profit organisations

Espace Stratégies is a strategic advisory firm that provides guidance to non-profit organizations across Canada. We assist a range of non-profits including community organizations, cultural entities, associations, unions, federations, chambers of commerce and professional bodies.

While each non-profit operates within its unique context and faces distinct challenges, we have identified recurring issues that impact organizations, including diversifying funding sources, structuring governance, documenting organizational processes, adapting service offerings to emerging trends and managing workload in the context of labour shortages.

Espace Stratégies has successfully guided these organizations by fostering strategic thinking through strategic planning and reflection processes, developing business plans for implementing strategic projects, conducting organizational diagnoses and facilitating change management plans.


  • You need to reinvent yourself to ensure your survival in the short, medium or long term.
  • You’ve experienced rapid growth and need to manage your expansion effectively.
  • Finding new sources of funding and reevaluating your business model is crucial.
  • Your board of directors is not aligned on a common vision or includes new members unfamiliar with the organization.
  • A funder requires a strategic plan or an organizational diagnosis to award financing or grants.
  • You have a strategy to implement but are unsure where to start.
  • You want to submit a project or study but lack the internal resources, expertise or time to do so.
  • You need a facilitator to ensure a successful review meeting with your teams or partners.



Espace Stratégies has developed a distinctive and innovative approach based on local community mobilization and a deep understanding of the non-profit ecosystem. We leverage this approach to formulate strategies that are both credible and sustainable. Whether your project is essential for growth, a legal obligation, or a partner’s requirement, our agility enables us to adapt to all situations.

Having worked with a diverse range of organizations, both public and private, Espace Stratégies has cultivated a comprehensive business ecosystem for non-profits. We have access to a network of contacts and experts across various domains nationwide.



The following consulting services are particularly recommended for non-profit organisations:



Espace Stratégies works with various types of organizations. Our 360-degree ecosystem enables us to navigate between multiple sectors and create unlikely connections. Click here to discover all our client profiles.


Care Montréal and Cap Saint-Barnabé

In 2022, Care Montréal and Cap Saint-Barnabé, two organizations dedicated to assisting individuals experiencing homelessness, decided to merge their services. Espace Stratégies provided strategic advisory to ensure the consolidation process was efficient. ES helped Cap and Care identify the best business model to preserve the value proposition of both organizations. This included determining the future organization’s strategic positioning and development vision and implementing the changes necessary for a seamless and effective transition.


After several years of accelerated growth, L’Anonyme felt the need for a new strategic planning exercise to update its objectives, service offerings and programs. To confirm its vision and supervise its strategic reflection, it chose Espace Stratégies—a collaborator for several years. ES supported L’Anonyme’s management teams in developing a participatory process to mobilize the organization’s stakeholders and ensure relevant positioning aligned with its evolving environment.

Suicide Action Montréal

Suicide Action Montreal (SAM)’s mission is to prevent suicide and mitigate its impacts by ensuring access to quality services. Espace Stratégies helped a working committee, including board members and the management team, with SAM’s strategic planning. The approach was intended to identify current issues, position the organization within its ecosystem, clarify the structure of its service and program offerings, confirm its long-term vision and establish strategic directions, forming the foundation of its action plan.