Justine McIntyre

Justine McIntyre, Espace Stratégies

Justine McIntyre is a consultant at Espace Stratégies. She has more than 10 years of experience in communications and local politics. A recognized opinion leader, Justine McIntyre is an expert in consensus building and message development for change-oriented projects.

Her career path includes milestones that represent her diverse interests:

Public relations and communications consultant for several organizations, including the Last Post Fund (Veterans Affairs Canada), PemPem (traceability in the agricultural sector) and Netlift (sustainable mobility via microtransit).

Radio columnist on current affairs and municipal politics for CJAD-800 (in English) and Radio-Canada’s ICI Première (in French).

Montréal city councillor for the Bois-de-Liesse ward from 2013 to 2017 and interim leader of the Montréal Vrai Changement municipal party from December 2015 to March 2021.

Justine McIntyre holds a Bachelor of Music from McGill University and a Certificate in Arts and NPO Management from the University of Washington. She also completed a master’s degree in Management and Sustainable Development at HEC-Montréal in 2022.


Meet the Espace Stratégies team

Social Change, the Environment and Degrowth Theory

Justine McIntyre’s commitment to the environment led her to become deeply involved in these issues during her time as a city councillor. In particular, she authored a motion to ban the use of neonicotinoids. She has been involved in the conservation of the Anse à l’Orme area in the west of the island, which is now being incorporated into the network of large parks, and the integration of the REM into the urban landscape.

Her passion for these issues motivated her to pursue a master’s degree in Management and Sustainable Development, where her interest focused on the social foundations of economic structures, change management and degrowth theory. In this context, she completed her integration project focusing on investments in water resource protection in Quebec.